Love Never Fails!

Love Never Fails

A student’s mom recently shared this story with our LifeLink School Director Alysha McCree. Her son Brandon is in the Level 2 preschool class this year:

“Brandon’s Mom sat down in my office with tears in her eyes to say thank you for the Christmas basket she and her family received from Brandon’s sponsor. She explained that her family had experienced a setback when her husband lost his job in November. Times were tough and as the days passed, meals grew sparse until soon she was having to ask her family for small portions of food just to feed her four children.

Desperate and feeling helpless, Brandon’s mom sat crying and praying to God for help. Within minutes she received a call from The LifeLink School saying her son had a gift from his sponsor. Thinking it was a small toy, she readied her son and made her way to the school. When they arrived, she was shocked to find the answer to her prayers – a large bag filled with food to feed her hungry family. She cried tears of joy and could only say, “Thank you, God!”

Sometimes an answer to a prayer is as simple as an open heart to give.  We thank ALL of our LifeLink partners and sponsors for opening heart to the children of Nicaragua!

If you would like to sponsor a child like Brandon please go to our sponsor page for more information.

Brandon with Gift Bag