Bringing Hope and Education to Nicaragua’s Children

Part of the vision of LifeLink International is to bring quality, first class Christian education to some of the poorest of the poor children in Nicaragua. Along with education we’re working to instill a hope of not only a life in Jesus Christ, but a hope of life above poverty (living in a one room shack with dirt floors, outside facilities and no clean water) to a bright future destined for greatness.

Already we have 65 first graders meeting daily on the grounds of the LifeLink Ministry Base in Ciudad Sandino. Although our facilities are far from being completed, these first graders are thrilled to have a clean, safe place to learn and play. The children can run and play in a fresh oasis – a field of green grass with trees and flowers and no trash strewn about. They are being hugged, loved and encouraged each day by our LifeLink missionary team.

There is still so much work yet to do in order to complete the education facility and kitchen, where each child will receive a healthy hot meal each day.

Our vision is strong, our passion is great, and our hearts are full of God’s love for these forgotten children who live each and every day in a world of filth and hardship we can hardly imagine.

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