Leaving Footprints

During the Christmas break, our nurse Susan Hamilton routinely checked on various students who needed medical followup. On one of those trips, we went to see Vania. Vania is a little girl who got very sick this past year. Susan made quite a difference by getting her the medical care she needed before she got into a life-threatening situation. With children, we find that they never forget that “cup of cold water in Jesus’ name.” 
We had a great visit with Vania, who was very excited to see her nurse Susan, and as we left, Vania decided to walk back towards the school with us. I walked behind them both as we went. 
At one point, I looked up to see Vania very deliberately matching her steps to Susan’s own steps, stride for stride. In that moment, I was struck with the simple beauty of what God is doing through the medical care Susan, is providing. Meeting the medical needs of this community is extremely important. But, when those needs are met, the benefits don’t stop there. Susan demonstrates the love of Jesus to these kids, and that love is irresistible to them; they react in ways like Vania – planting their footsteps in hers as she leads the way. 
Where those little feet will go when Vania grows up, we cannot see right now. But she is learning to follow in the footsteps of those who love Jesus. Paul said, “Follow me, as I follow Christ.” For children, especially, having someone in whose steps they can walk can make all the difference between a future that God intends for them, or one where they have no clear way forward.
That’s our call here in Nicaragua – to leave the footprints of Jesus all over the dusty roads of Ciudad Sandino so that a trail is blazed for these precious ones right to the heart of God! 

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