LifeLink Welcomes Families from Victory Hamilton Mill!

This week we had the honor of hosting a team of families from Victory Hamilton Mill! They took our students on a Wilderness Adventure, reached out to local churches, and worked alongside our construction team. It was a great week! 

 The week began in the English classroom as the team taught new vocabulary while re-enacting the children’s book, “Giraffes Can’t Dance.” Learning dances like the waltz ensured that there were giggles all around!
Then, they used crafts and stories to teach the students how to stand up to temptation like Jesus did in the wilderness. Each one walked away as an overcomer!

In the heat of the day, the team also worked alongside our national staff of construction workers. Man, woman and child alike, grabbed shovels and wheelbarrows to contribute to the new building project!

It was an incredible week!

Want to come on a trip? Visit to find out how!

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