Life in a Psalm

It still takes my breath away, even after almost 6 months on the field…

Every morning, as we drive into the base, we see the volcano rising in the distance. And, throughout the day while working on the base, I can look up at any given moment when I am outside and see a circle of incredibly beautiful mountains in another direction. The base itself is maintained beautifully, and the children, well, they are the crown jewel of our days here – their smiles are priceless!

The view reminds me of these verses, “I will lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth,” (Psalm 121:1-2). I cannot help but believe the Lord designed all of this beauty in this corner of the world just for these precious people He loves so much. It may not be on the tourist map, but God tossed great beauty here to remind these precious ones that He knows exactly where they are and loves them so very much. Their circumstances can often cause them to look down. But, when I catch a glimpse of His extravagant beauty here, I hear His cry, “Look up my children. Look up!”

Pam Bolick
LifeLink International

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