Wellness Program Inception

Does anyone remember this?: It’s a picture from April 2009, when LifeLink’s ministry in Nicaragua was just beginning. We recognized the need for a feeding program, and—with a lot of hard work and support—we filled that need. Over time, that small seed of ministry has grown into what’s now a primary school

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LifeLink Team Series – Doribel

Anyone who’s been to the LifeLink Ministry Base in Nicaragua has probably met Doribel. She’s an amazing woman of God and we’re lucky to have her on our side. Take a moment to hear her take on LifeLink’s impact on the Sandino community for the past ten years. LifeLink Team

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Guest Blog: A Life-Changing Adventure in Love

Is it possible to love someone who lives thousands of miles away, whom you’ve never met, and doesn’t even speak your language? I know it sounds crazy, but that’s what happened when I began sponsoring 3-year-old Emeling Sanchez to receive an education at the LifeLink School in Nicaragua.For only $35

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Video: Sponsor a Child, Change a Life

There are currently 8 children available for sponsorship at Centro Escolar LifeLink. Take a moment to watch our quick video and consider changing a life today. http://bit.ly/lifelinksponsorachild  Sponsor faces from LifeLink International on Vimeo.

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